Thursday, 21 May 2020

Purple haze

 Today's pictures are a bit different from normal. I love RGB lights, my desktop computer is full of them, my keyboard, my mouse, my mouse pad, my speakers... all rgb. So I decided I wanted my dressing room to look like a strip club and went nuts with it. I took our nanoleafs which were not currently used and put them up in there, bought some rgb bulbs and a rgb light curtain. Also for the pictures I dragged my ring light there, witch also has a rgb. I was also thinking about putting up a led light strip that would go all around the room but I'm not sure if that's a bit too much.

Harness - Killstar
Belt harness - Killstar
Top - Boohoo
Skirt - Widow, dolls kill
Rug - Killstar
I like these pictures and I kinda want to test it further. I also have a post with my old picture style coming up next, but I'm not sure how I want to continue after that. We will see!

I'm not super loving the pink but I adore how it looks with the blue lights..

Anyways, where has the time gone? In two weeks I am back at work and it makes me mad to even think about it. I still have so much gaming and drinking and feeling depressed to do before I get back there, yuck. It's been two months since I was at work, how do I even remember how to do it anymore, seesh.

Yesterday the mail brought me the highest heels I have now! Just by 1cm tough. The heel on these is 20,3cm. I splurged on these pleaser flamingo 1020's. Which I ordered through Deadfine. Surprisingly easy to walk with, I might need to get a pair of beyonds sometime later, I think the heel on those is 25,4cm.
 I just love love love these ones, especially how they look in my strip club dressing room.

 I FINALLY got my jewelry organized. I think I saw something like this someone on instagram had to organize their chokers and I really loved the idea. I used to have a bunch of key holders around the room and I had to pile up the necklaces on those which was a bit awkward. But this is perfect! I can see all of them at once and take out the one I want. Loving it. 
I bought this from Biltema and the hooks were separate, but pretty inexpensive. The thing itself only cost something like 6-8 euros.

Hope you have a great day and I'll see you again soon!


  1. Jeesuksen kristus että on upea tyyli <3 sait just uuden fanin <3 <3 <3<3<<33<33<3<<33<

    1. Jotenki luulin että koko goottiskene on kuollu ja kuopattu suomessa. Enää ei oo mitään "", ja muita foorumeita tms. ja nuoriso ei enää soita goottimusaa eikä edes pukeudu niinkuin me. mutta sitten jännästi teitä aina löytyy. ehkä joku 69 eyes piti goottijutut pinnalla parikyt vuotta sitten, mutta nykyään ei oo enää edes musavideo-ohjelmia, joten kersat ei enää edes tiedä mitä tää tyyli on. damn it. fuck.

    2. Tuntuu kyllä että kaikki tuommoiset foorumit ja blogit on kyllä nykyään aika kuolleita. Mutta en tiedä sitten ovatko nämä vähän vanhanaikaisia välineitä nykyään. Kuulun joihinkin suomen gootit sivuihin facebookissa jotka ovat kohtalaisen aktiivisia, mutta välillä tuntuu että en oikeen ymmärrä porukkaa siellä. Tyyliä sun muuta nuoremmat näkee varmasti esim instassa ja tiktokissa mutta sitä en tiedä sitten ymmärtävätkö saatika tietävätkö mitä muuta sen tyylin takana sitten on. Harmittaa että suomen ainut goottifestarikin vetää viime hönkäykset tänä kesänä, toki noita yksittäisiä pieniä iltoja on siellä täällä mutta tuntuu se silti isolta menetykseltä.
