Friday, 4 December 2015

Dreaming of Crafting

Today we were shopping for Yule gifts.  I also bought some stuff from the craft store so I could make some presents.

I'm not going to show some stuff I made as presents because I don't want to spoil any surprises! But I'm going to show you this one I made for myself.

I really like making dream catchers..  Making the webbing always kinda goes wrong because of my need to just swing most of it. But I really loved the idea of having a spider webby catcher and I found this video from youtube:
It pretty much covers the whole web part in detail.

After shopping around the city center, I decided I wanted to go to the flea market. So my boyfriend dropped me off there. I wanted to walk home afterwards but it was really pouring ice cold water straight to my face and I was soaking wet and my head was freezing. I had a hood, but I could not keep it up since the wind blew it down right away. I gave up after like 500 meters of walking and called for a pickup.

At least I didn't get soaking wet for nothing.. I found this long dress and a hat. Both are probably from H&M originally. I kinda have a similar hat already, but this one has a bigger... flopper. Haha!

I really want to walk to another flea market tomorrow so I hope it won't rain. At least I'll take a umbrella with me. And I'll probably wear these, so you can see how they look on me on the next post!


  1. Oh, I love dream-catchers! Yours is so nice, I love the spider details! <3

    1. Why thank you! It definitely came out looking like my dreamcatcher should. :')

  2. This little dream catcher you made looks wonderful! As Ellone said, the spiders look really great on this! ❤

  3. Ihana tuo unisieppari! :) Siitä tulikin mieleen että pitäisi omaan unisieppariin tehdä verkko uudelleen.

    1. Kiitos! Se verkon tekeminen onkin mukavaa puuhaa! :)
