Sunday, 13 December 2015

Catching up

Oopsie. The every other day post thing isn't doing so well. Sorry about that. Also the fact that I have a doctors appointment on 21st kinda makes me not kinda want it to come so soon. Ahaha.

But oh well! I have been crafting gifts and such, so nothing that interesting.
Outfits have also been quite unimaginative like this one.

Lately I think I have been using this skirt with everything. Why, oh why it goes with everything.

Everything - Thrifted or diy
Same goes to my tube scarves. I always try to force them to every outfit. For some reason I like them so so much. On this outfit I tried to NOT have a tube scarf. It was hard.

I visited the new flea market that opened very close to me, but there was really nothing good, not at that time at least.

Here's pretty much what I have been doing. Drawing and painting and netflix. This one was a gift for my dad on his birthday.

This one was for me. It looks really nice next to the colorful dead leaves of my vine. Protecting our balcony.

I have also purchased some cool games lately! But I'll tell you about them later. c:


  1. Ihana asu, hyvältä näyttää! :) Jotenkin söpö tuo hameen ja sukkiksien yhdistelmä. ^^

    1. Voij kiitos! ^^ Ah tää hame käy niin kaiken kanssa. :')

  2. Kivannäköinen asu :) joskus kyllä käy niin, että tykästyy johonkin vaatteeseen ja änkee sen väkisin joka asuun :D sille oli nimikin, ns. turvavaate? Mutta eikös se ole vain hyvä tässä kertakäyttömeiningin keskellä että käyttää jotain oikeasti niin kauan että se kuluu puhki :D

    1. Heh tosiaan, taitaa olla mun turvavaate! Ja joo toden totta. :'D Mukavintahan tässä on että hame on kirppikseltä ja maksoi euron~

  3. I suppose it must be quite cold at the moment over there? Here we are 0 grades centigrades now, and as I am Spanish and I am not used at all it can be a bit annoying, haha. I hope you had fun on the market although you didn´t find anything your wanted.

    1. Well... It's not cold in my town at all actually. It kinda wobbles around 0 and +7 Celsius. Which is much warmer than usually at this time of the year. But I kinda also live next to the sea which also makes the weather warmer here. But hope you survive! I know cold can be a pain, but that just makes it easier to dress in layers!

      It was alright at least I got company that time! :')
