Tuesday, 1 April 2014

She's got those evil eyes

I have a vacation going on. Some dude accidentally shoved a unintentional free week in our timetable. I'm not complaining! It's fun to have all this time to myself.

I still have to dress myself every morning because.. If I didn't I'd probably just stay in my pajamas all day.
It's April fools day and I had this great plan to dress in "normal" clothes, sneakers, put on colorful makeup and post a picture here. But when I got the stuff on me and got in front of a mirror.. I wanted to get them off as quickly as possible. Something inside me just fell and I felt dizzy. I don't know why that happened but I guess we have to skip that joke this year. Been done many times already, eh?

When will they release the Lumous Gothic Festival tickets? I just have to check every day. Gahh I'm going crazy! Maybe I'll forget to check them one day and they will all be gone..? Nooo... I guess that could not happen. I just can't wait.

Seems like I can't get a summer job this year either. I have gotten negative responses from 2 places and yesterday I panicked about it and applied one more place. Tho one qualification there was not to have any other previous jobs. And I have one short summer job behind me, sigh.

I have been feeling like immersing myself in to a fantasy world. Skyrim maybe. 


  1. I know the feeling of colorful things on you '_' kinda creepy!

    I'm sorry about the job, it's a hell everywhere nowadays :( but cheer up, i'm counting the days 'til we'll meet :D my dream made me smile a lot!

    1. It is.. oih, never again :'D

      It is :c It just would be nice to have enough money on at least one summer.
      Oh yeahh, it sounded like a really nice dream alright! :D

  2. Ostin viime vuonna lumous liput jotain viisi päivää ennen, et tuskin niiden kans kauheeta paniikkia tarvii, vai onko sinne tulossa jotain megajännää kerrankin esiintymään? :D

    1. Hyvähyvä :D Voin siis rauhoittua.
      Se siiä vähän onkin kun ei tiedä ketä sinne tulee esiintymään! Lisää odottelua luvassa..

  3. Kelpaisi kyllä tuollainen vahinkovapaaviikko näiden koulutöiden keskellä! :D

    Paljosti tsemppiä sinulle kesäduunihässäköiden keskellä! Se on todella rasittavaa, kun ihan aikuisten oikeesti kiinnostaisi tehdä töitä ja ansaita rahaa eikä vaan meinaa löytyä paikkaa :<

    1. Kiitos! Ja niinpä! :c Kokemusta on joko vähän tai sitten liian paljon joten varmasti ei pääse yhtään mihinkään.

  4. You're looking absolutely stunning! Great outfit!

    x Dawn
