Monday, 3 March 2014

Second hand finds

Mostly it's flea market stuff, which is weird, since there was a looong time where I just found absolutely nothing on flea markets.

No outfit photo today either.. I just can't get myself up in the mornings. And when I do get up, it's so late I have to just throw on what ever my hand grabs first. I'll try'n work on that ;)

So here we go with the findings!

Shooess shooess shoeess what a biiig surpise huh? These game from facebook fleamarket group! I love them to bits since I have been looking for a pair of these for ages. And the person who sold them to me was really nice! 

This bat I found today from a local flea market! I just could not resist it.

This shirt I also bought today. I could just not simply skip the little dragons, chains and the 2€ price tag.

This knitted shirt was form a flea market in Tampere. It's so big and not itchy, I just love it.

A sheer shirt from... oh wait I got this from a sale! Oh well!

This is my favorite one yet! I didn't get a good shot of it, so I added a picture I found from the net. It's from Queen of Darkness and the collar thing is hhuuuge, you can use it as a big hood! I just love that! Found from a flea market in Kangasala, 4€. Aw yiss.

A jacket that I am planning to modify a bit! At least take the shoulder pads off, I so hate those things.

Oh my, more shoes? Well these were just a couple of euros at the local flea market. Tho I noticed that one out of the 6 small buckles is broken. No biggy, I know where I can get a new one!

 Matte! I'm not sure if it's actually a matte nail polish or does it go over your other nail polish to make it matte...?

All of these from a flea market today. All combined 5€ and the top one is Alchemy Gothic! Oh and I guess the pentacle on is too.

Well, hope you liked my finds, I sure love them a lot!
Next time something more interesting. ;)


  1. *heart shaped eyes-including heart attack on tulossa*
    So fantastic finds, honeyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hahaha :D
      Yess, I have been very lucky recently!

  2. Oh gosh! So many amazing things.♥ I wish I would be so lucky, too. :D

  3. Lucky!!! This makes me want to go to flea markets where you live. The ones here are very sad. We do have a 690 mile long yard sale during the summer. I have gotten ankh earrings, a vintage mood ring for 25 cents, and a vintage magicians poster. And I am loving that distressed sweater.

    1. Sometimes the ones here are sad too.. But I never give up! But ohh the 690 mile long yard sale sounds like heavenn! 25 cents? Wow, not over priced at least :D

  4. If I'd make a post about second hand finds, I'd have to make it about pretty much everything I have in my wardrobe :D
    But I love to see what others find as well. Your should make more these posts in future.
    My favorite item here is that a-symertica QoD thing.

    1. Hahaa! Me too! But a good idea is just to make one about recent findings! ;)
      And I'll try to remember make more of these posts! ^^

  5. Päätin vastata tuohon kysymykseesi tuosta kynsilakasta. Se on siis päällyslakka joka laitetaan toisen kynsilakan päälle ja tekee siittä matan näkösen :)

    1. Ahaa! Kiitos selvennyksestä! :) Eipähän tarvitse sohia turhaan tuota testatakseni. :D

  6. Aaaah, that first pair of boots! I really want a pair of demonia platforms, but I'm not sure what size I am and don't want to buy a pair just to return them. I also don't really have anywhere to wear them, anyway. :P

    1. Most of my demonias are pretty much normal size!
      Nowhere? What about the worrrlllddddd!

  7. Onpa mainio löytö nuo maiharit! Itse asiassa olen joskus salaa miettinyt solkisaappaita, vieläpä kiiltonahkaisia, koska jotenkin se kontrasti muuten minimalistisen tyylin kanssa kutkuttaisi...:D

    1. Näyttäisi kyllä varmasti varsin hyvältä! :)

  8. Vauuu, onpa ollut tuuri löytöjen suhteen! :) Tosi paljon kaikkea kivaa oot löytänyt, hienot on vaatteet ja kengät. ^^

  9. Hihi, vanhat bootsini on nyt kuuluisat xD Mutta hyvä että tykkäät niistä! :'3

  10. Oh Gods! :D You're lucky. Here in Hungary almost impossible to find good clothes. But these dresses are wonderful. *-* ♥

    1. Yeah well I guess Finland has a bit of a gloomy culture so it's somewhat easy to find goth related things.. :) Its just so unfair that it varies from country to country because there is darklings in every country!

    2. Yes, it is unfair, but it is not a problem. (: Sometimes I inherit some good things from friends who have not already love the goth style. Or two are from the same cloth (:
      So sometimes people think of me :D

    3. Oh that's great! :) You are fortunate to have such good friends! ^^

    4. Not all people can be nice, But I found some (: But bad because many people live far away from me =/
