Friday, 14 March 2014

Chain yourself

Chains chain chains, oh I want to put them everywhere. On my shoes, on my belt, on my head, on mt shirt.. I have to get some more chain to do that though!

I wanted to really take all what I can get from the warm weathers and but on something lighter. Not that it matters how cold is it outside, I almost always have light clothes.

My boyfriend asked why I do I have so many belts but no pants to hold up with them. I dunno. 
When I was younger I used to wear lots of belts with pants, layered them, later I felt it was stupid because they didn't hold anything up. But then again nothing makes sense in the world so I might as well tie a shark around my waist. Now I feel the need to wear all my belts at once. Ehee.  

Oh it so bothers me that I did not wear a necklace with this! My neck area looks so very empty, it's almost sad.

Sigh, another boring Friday night, no money, no place to go, nothing to do. Maybe I'm just going to wash my face and sink down under the blankets and watch some Munsters that my friend burned for me. They always cheer me up.


  1. Komeet vyöt! Meinasin sanoo et toi vyö mis on panoksia on hienoin, mut noihan on kaikki hienoja! Ja ketjut on paras <3 mul on sellanen niittikaulapanta Cybershopista mis on sellasia ketjuja :p ja toi Ankhi on söpö <3 mäki aina laitan niitä mahdollisimman paljon joka paikkaan :D

    1. Ei niin hieno kun hai olisi mutta jooh! :D Uuh ketjupannat on kyllä kivoja! :>

  2. Vanhana rautakaupan vakkari asiakkaana täytyy sanoa, että ketjut ovat kyllä jees! Omasta pukeutumisesta ne ovat kadonneet lähes täysin nykyisin, mutta voisi taas jonkun viritelmän joskus hankkia :)

    1. Sitten onkin aika niiden palata! ;D Voisi tosiaan jonkun hauskan viritelmän keksiä, kenkiin tai takkiin tai.. jotain vastaavaa! :)

  3. Munsters are always a good answer ^_^
    And of course I agree about the chains XD

  4. I'm not really a chain person, funnily enough? They do look good on you, though.

    1. Well if everyone liked the same things, the world would be horribly boring wouldn't you agree? ;) Thanks!

  5. I love this outfit! Love love love! I actually have stopped wearing belts since I am wearing more skirts and dresses. But this gives me an idea! I have a belt that looks like handcuffs (stole it from my man!) and it would look awesome with a maxi dress I have.

    1. Thank you so much! <3 I'm so glad that it gave you inspiration! And I bet it's going to look aweesommeee~ Add pictures! :D

  6. Oii sulla on aivan täydellinen tyyli!
    Ja oot tosi kaunis :')
