Tuesday, 28 January 2014

big Big BIG Gothic Giveaway!/Raffle!/Arvonta!

So I'm making this raffle thing because I am, for one, celebrating the 150 readers! Thank you everyone! But the most important thing why I am doing this is because I need a bit of everyone's help. Helping me takes about 3-4 seconds. It does really not require any money, logging it to websites or any of that shit. I will be eternally grateful to everyone helping me. Because owning my of business is my dream, and I want to make it reality.
The pictures belong to the shops stated below.

What you can win!!

1st price: 
option 1: 20 euros worth of Steam Games! You can choose the game/games yourself! (You need to have a steam account)
option 2:  1 item under 20 euros from Deadly Sinners! Etsy: Deadly Sinners link
option 3: 1 Item under 20 euros from Horribell! Etsy: Horribell link
option 4: Any tank top from Bad Conceptual! Etsy link to Band Conceptual
option 5: BIG pentagram earrings from Tequila star! (Black or pink) Etsy Pentagram earrings link

2nd price:
option 1: 10 euros worth of Steam Games! You can choose the game/games yourself. (You need to have a steam account)
option 2: 10 euros worth of stuff from Varusteleka! Varusteleka link
option 3: Anything from Bones and Lilies link

3rd price:
option 1: 5 euros worth of Steam  Games! You can choose the game/games yourself. (You need to have a steam account)
option 2: 5 euros worth of pins from Disposable America! Etsy Disposable America link
option 3: Anything from Violet Mists Etsy Violet Mist link

I wanted to support other small business's, so a lot of Etsy stores! There is a danger that some of the items will become unavailable while this raffle is in progress, but I try to add new ones if something happens to die.

Choices choices...


1. You need to go to this page: LINK and press the little green star under the text: "TUE IDEAA".( It's pretty up right of the page, or in some layouts all the way down.)  After that you need to comment on this post, (and this post only) what number you get after voting, the number next to the star will increase by 1 with every vote. You don't need to log in or anything, and it's safe. :)

2. This raffle is WORLD WIDE! Everyone can enter! Everyone can choose any of the options given.

3. If you mention this giveaway in your blog, you will gain +1 raffle ticket. You must mention this in the comment.

4.  You can only enter once! If anon, must state a nickname of some sort.

5. The raffle ends 14th of February 2014, 10 am Finnish time
Any entries after that will not be noted

6. You must leave me your email address in the comments so I can contact you.

7. If you are my tumblr or facebook friend, I hope you like the links already on those websites, so I know you have already voted! Mention this  in the comment too.

8. If you win you must be willing to give your address, unless you choose the Steam price!

9. You don't need to be following me, but new followers make me happy so think about it. :)

So lets review this again:
Your comment needs

1. name/nickname
2. the star number from the linked website (Rule 1)
3. your email address
4. mention about the possible mentioning in your blog
5. mention if you have already voted through my facebook or tumblr

Good Luck everyone! And thank you to each and every one of you!


  1. Oh, and the winners will be 100% random!

  2. And the winners will be announced 16th of February.

  3. 1. Sanni Pihlajamäki
    2. 39
    3. sanni.pihlajamaki@gmail.com
    4. -

  4. 40!
    Laitan tähän sähköpostin sijaan tumblrin, jookos?

    Toivottavasti yrityshaaveesi toteutuu!

    1. Kunhan saan sinuun yhteyttä sitä kautta :) Kiitoksia!

  5. Stella, tähden numero 41 :)
    Sähköpostiosoite: candyl@suomi24.fi
    Mainitsen tästä seuraavassa postauksessa jonka teen, hurr

  6. Chrissie, tähtinumero 43. Hieno idea. :)
    S.posti: miniuscelsius@hotmail.com.

  7. Tähti numero 44 :)

  8. 45 liis_malin@hotmail.com

    (i also follow you on tumblr ;) )

  9. Ravenoaris. Klikkasin tähteä ja luvuksi tuli 47. S-postini: ravernoir@gmail.com

  10. Veronica

    Tähti numero 48.

    veronica.zombie6 ÄT gmail.com

  11. 1. Belsissa
    2. 49
    3. millaa_@windowslive.com
    4. Mainitsen tästä seuraavassa postauksessani. :)

    Toivottavasti saat jonain päivänä antiikkiesineiden kauppasi! Vierailisin aivan varmasti, idea on loistava. :)

    1. Kiva juttu!
      Voi kiitos! Kun vain kunnolla upottautuu asiaan tarpeeksi niin eiköhän jonain päivänä unelma toteudu :)

    2. Varmasti! Nyt on postauksessa maininta. :)

  12. 51! :)

    addams.elisabet ät gmail.com

    1. Niin ja mainitsen tästä sitten seuraavassa postauksessa, se unohtui mainita! ^^'

  13. Nänni, tähtiklikkaus nro. 52 ja haipuli@hotmail.com.

    Täytyypä sanoa, että hieno idea. Toivottavasti unelmasi toteutuu jonain päivänä!

  14. M454, tähti 53 s-posti nokiaman87@hotmail.com

    Jännä idea, pitäähän sitä tukea. :)

  15. Sassy Batty, Number 54 - freen707@gmail.com
    Of course I'm your friend on facebook XD

  16. Alina, nro. 56 vesikirppu@hotmail.com


  17. Yurzaali number 57
    s.posti yurizcx@gmail.com :)

  18. I got 59! My email is anhonestdrug (at) gmail.com (replace 'at' with an @ - I just don't want spammers to get my email). :)

  19. 60 :)


  20. Nella, 64, nella.raina@luukku.com.
    Mainitten tästä seuraavassa postauksessa! :3

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Iku
    Vinkkaan seuraavassa postauksessa! :)

  23. sinisteri, 81, tohvelikuono@gmail.com

    onnea unelmaan :)

  24. Peek-a-boo! ^_^

    82! :D

    (At last! Köhköh...)

  25. Heini, 83, miksuonihku@hotmail.com

    On kyllä mahtava idea!
