Friday, 21 July 2017

Lumous Gothic Festival 2017

Once again we ventured to the Lumous Gothic Festival in Tampere! My boyfriend was supposed to join me and my friends but he ended up being stuck at work after all. Anyhow it was pretty cool to have a hotel room all to yourself. I could spread all my stuff all around and no one cared, ahaha.

This year I also was somewhat lazy at taking photos, but here's some anyway.
For the first time in ages I also wasn't wearing a wig while going out! My hair's gotten pretty long.

Chain Harness - Aliexpress
Leather top - Flea market
Bondage belt - Ebay
Shoes - Demonia, Second hand
Skirt - Flea market

Here's the outfit for the Friday club night. And it was taken afterwards, just before going to sleep. Tipsy and stuff. The bands this night were not really in to my taste but oh well. At least Spiritual Front was decent for dancing.

Photo by Tomi Vitikainen
 Saw Leena!

Photo by Tomi Vitikainen
Also hang out with Miss Chaos for a while. Not enough though. :'(

Photo by my friend.
On Saturday morning before the Dark Market, we decided to visit the Sky Bar, which is a bar on top of a Hotel. The view was nice, the drinks were on the expensiveish side but not so expensive as at the Lumous club...

I can't for the sake of my life remember what was this drink called but it was good. 

It's weird being so high up. Brain constantly sends mixed messages, wtf you doing, dis not right.

Photo by Tomi Vitikainen

All melted and messy at the Dark Market lol. 

This is most of the loot I got from the Market. I also got some tops but I'll show you those in good time. The rune necklace I actually got form a Pagan market that was partly happening in the same time as the Dark Market. I found my favorite album form Siouxsie and Banshees and I'm so happy about it!

Pvc Corset - Second hand
Collar - Etsy
Skirt - Moonmaiden Clothing
Bracelets - Ebay/Flea markets
Gloves - Ebay

Saturday club outfit! This was also taken afterwards so I'm a bit of a mess. Messy mess all around!

The band I was really looking forward on was Nachtmahr. They did a great show and really knew how to keep the audience alive! 

We didn't stay for the The End club on Sunday on this year either. I had to get up really early on Monday for work. But anyway I had a really nice time and I'm really looking forward on next year!
Lately things have been changing around at work and it has been exhausting really. I'm still suffering from sleep deprivation and staying up late last weekend really didn't help much. Not to mention I have to work tomorrow, on a Saturday. Hooray. 

Also this post is a bit of a mess since I'm so sleepy, I can't think even. I should be sleeping right now too. BAH! 


  1. Parhaimmat festarit tältä kesältä ohitse, pitkä odotus edessä ensi vuotta varten :D

  2. Oh God you always looking so good in your outfits! <3
    I wish I could wear so cool like that!


  3. Aivan ihania asuja taas! Lumous on jäänyt minulta nyt ihan liian monena vuotena väliin, mutta pitää kyllä joskus vielä ehdottomasti päästä osallistumaan!

    1. Voi kiitos! No todellakin, tulet sitten ensi vuonna! :)

  4. I love high/rooftop bars! Looked like a nice festival. All the ones by me are dirty and gross and you have to sleep in tents or be out in the mud.

    1. Well those kinds of festivals can be very fun! But city festivals do have their own charm too, tho they do tend to cost somewhat more.

  5. Näytitpä taas hyvältä! :) en ole ihan varma näinkö sut vilaukselta pari kertaa, ellet ollut keikalla ihan mun edessä :D Ihan huikee viikonloppu oli ja tasan tuun ens vuonna uudestaan! The End oli melkoinen :'D Ei helvetti mitkä bileet!

    1. No kiitosta. :) Taidan kyllä olla itse ainakin vähän sokea kun en muistaisi sinua spotanneeni, harmi. D: Mutta hienoo jos sinulla oli hauskaa! ^^

    2. Joo siis joka puolella oli mustia tukkapörröjä niin koitapa siinä löytää joku tietty :D Siksi en olekaan varma! Mut oli todellakin hauskaa :)

  6. Juuri kun odotin että kerrot tavallisesti mistä upeat vaatteesi ovat, muttei ollutkaan tällä kertaa :'D Mistä tuo ketjutoppi on? <3 *__* (vai onko se erikseen ketjuharness)

    1. Uuups sori :D Väsyneenä kun tätä kirjoitteli niin unohtui pari juttua :'D Voisi nekin tosiaan lisäillä tuonne kun tästä jaksaa. Mutta joo se on ihan ketjuharnessi. Ostettu joskus Aliexpressiltä, typettää sinne "chain harness" tai "Leather chain harmess" niin pitäisi löytyy.

    2. OK, kiitti :D

      Sulla on muuten maailman ihanimpia asukokonaisuuksia, ihan kateeks käy <3

  7. You're style is amazing... Gothic perfection! I love the way that chain harness looks like a rib cage effect... Just... Wow!
