Monday, 20 October 2014

Halloween haul 2

Another week of alone time. I have just been playing minecraft alot. I can't think of anything else to to really. I do have a dentist tomorrow, which I am NOT looking forward on.

But I am just trying to keep my mind focused on the thing I am going to do after the dentist. I will go to the city center and look for more Halloween stuff. And maybe some Halloween themed clothes if possible. It's kind a luck's game in Finland to find Halloween clothes but I'll give it a try.

In the matter of fact I already had some luck in Lindex! The kids section were selling cool bat and spider tights. Also there were these bat leggings! Even more lucky me, they had them in size 170cm and they fit great. Still, they should put some Halloween stuff on the adult section too..
The glow in the dark things weren't from Lindex but I got them on the same trip.

Last week when my friend was here, we went around some flea markets. I found some black candles, which can be hard to find, and this pumpkin lantern. I like it because it isn't too orange.

And today I got these from Prisma... The cookie cutters I got mainly because I wanted the bat shaped one. But the other ones are nice too. Also I could not resist these cute little spiders ahhh!

I think there will be some more Halloween hauls on the way. Everyone is free to express their annoyance to my Halloween hauls if they wish to do so. But I just get so excited every October, Halloween is the only holiday I take part on, and it's not even official here.


  1. Kerrassaan kiva mekko ja kengät!

    1. Tykkään myös tosi paljon! ^^ Vaikka olenkin joskus miettinyt lyhentäväni tuota mekkoa, mutta toisaalta se saattaisi viedä sen hengen kokonaan. :D

  2. Minkä hintaisia sukkikset ja legginsit olivat? :)

    1. Legginssit taisi olla jotain 14,95 ja sukkikset 6,95. :)

  3. OHMYGOD...i want those leggings toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *screaming hysterically*

  4. Ooooh I need to go to Lindex... :D

  5. I love your outfit. I wore that same outfit in the 80s. Good taste never goes out of style. :)

    1. You did?! That's way awesome! ^_^
      I guess not, hehe! :D

  6. Mitämitä, en oo koskaan huomannut vaatekaupoissa halloween-kausituotteita. :D Pitääpä käydä katsastamassa, vaikken pystykään varmaan niihin kuluttamaan... Nuo reikäsukkikset ovat myös tosi kivan näköiset ja hauskalla tavalla deathrock-henkiset. :>

    1. Kyllä niistä joistakin saattaa bongata jotain kivaa, esimerkiksi H&M:män suosittelen katsastamaan, sielläkin oli kivoja juttuja. :) Lindexin aikuispuolellekkin oli tullut jotain eilen! Mutta en uskaltanut edes mennä lähemmäs katsomaan rahatilanteen takia. :'D
      Ja sukkiksista tuli kyllä kivat, tykkään itsekkin kauheesti. ^^

  7. Why would someone not like Halloween hauls! They're great! Plus your outfit is great (is that a velvet top?) but they're always pretty amazing to me. :3

    1. Ahh I'm glad to hear that! :D
      It's a velvet dress actually! ^^

  8. Voi minäkin haluan tuollaisia lepakko- ja kummituskeksimuotteja! Kissakin! Täytyypä muistaa käydä ens kerralla kaupassa katsomassa noita :)

    1. Joo! Toivottavasti löydät! ^^ Tulee kyllä kivoja keksejä nuista~
