Monday, 7 July 2014

Lumous 2014

This was my first time at the Lumous Gothic festival, and I had a really good time! I can't wait for next year. I went there with my friend and her boyfriend. I was so very very nervous since I had not even met this friend of mine in real life yet. And there I was, sharing a hotel room with them. Still, everything turned out great.
This was my first outfit, on Friday. Still sober, not yet left for Lumous.

 After some drinks and beers. My friend took this at the Dog's home. There was a poetry reading thing.

At the Club after plenty of drinks. My friend said no more for my until 9 o clock.

Wat ar u doing staph!

I guess this was around when we decided to take a little rest.

 And finally.. 


I really really don't have a better shot of my Saturdays day-outfit. I got so tired from walking!  Only thing I got from the Dark Market was a wallet for my boyfriend. But I did meet someone who reads my blog there! It was so weird! She just came to me and asked if I was the one that writes this blog. It was so nice that she came to talk to me, but I was so confused that I just babbled and I said stupid stuff. Oh noes xD She was really sweet tough! Much love to you~

The outfit of Saturday- night. 

Yeah... Alcohol was my friend. But not the club alcohol.. One little beer was around 6-8 euros, good thing we had good starters at the hotel!
I saw Suski and Chastel at one point, so of course I had to go and talk to them! But ohh noee, I was so drunk and awkward. I'm so ashamed of me. I wanted to talk to them more but I panicked and ran to search for my friend. Well.. better luck next time I guess...

On Sunday we decided not to go to Gothnic after all. My friend had to leave, they had a long drive ahead and I was tired. Shame though. I would have really wanted to go.

All in all I had a great time and I hope I can go next year too! With my boyfriend too I hope.

Two witches were great, but the music all in all wasn't really for me. But I still had loads of fun dancing.

Woo I also made a facebook page for my blog! So people who don't have blogger or anything else can now follow me easier! Facebook page Click Click.


  1. Oltiinko me niin pelottavia :D

  2. It looked like so much fun!! I love your outfits. : ) I wish there was a festival where I live.

    1. It was! And thanks! And I wish there was more of these in Finland than just this one little once year. :D But isn't that a good reason to travel abroad!? hehe

  3. No reason to be ashamed it was nice to meet you, talk more next time! :)

    1. It was very nice to meet you too! I'll try! :'D

  4. Loving those outfits! You look fabulous! And it seems like you had a great time!

    x Dawn

  5. Menit moneen kertaan mun ohi! Mä en tosin ollut kamalan tunnistettava vaihtohiuksissani. :D Olis pitänyt tulla nykäisemään hihasta, mutta itsekin oon todella awkward niin tiedä vaikka olisin paennut samantien takavasemmalle.. :'D

    1. Meninkö?! Voi ei! Kamalaa kun mun oli jostain syystä hankalaa tunnistaa ihmisiä, kaveri vain sanoi että tuolla tuo ja tuo ja tuo, mutta mä en vaan jostain syystä nähnyt ketään. :'D No mutta ensi kerralla sitten! :D

  6. Looks like a great time there woooooaaaah \m/ :D

  7. Ooo se olit sinä!! Mä kattelin että ompa tutun näköinen immeinen mutten sitten kehannu tulla höpöttään >__<

    1. Voii hitsi, mä muistaakseni taisin nähdä sinustakin vilauksen, mutten sitten löytänyt enään myöhemmin! Better luck next time. :o

  8. Hyvältä näyttää meno olleen! Kiva kun meni kaikki hienosti :D
    Ihana katsoa näit postauksia, kun itse ei yhtään keikkaa käynyt katsomassa.

    Ihanat lookit, tykkään tuosta lauantain meikistä ♥

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Oli kyllä juu! ^^ Harmi ettet tullut, sut olisi varmasti kyllä ollut helppo sieltä bongata! :'D

      Ja voi kiitos! <3

  9. "No ku ei se dark market VOI olla siellä!"

    Olit sie hassu ja ihuna tyttönen!

    :3 <3

    -Cata (joka on unohtanut tilinsä salasanan :D)

  10. Lumous <3.
    En spotannut sinua, joten en myöskään päässut tervehtimään :,).
