Thursday, 12 January 2017

Double Tail

It has been a very stormy weather here. Especially last night the wind was blowing like crazy! Windows were rattling and even though our balcony was closed there was a little bit of snow blown in from the tiny cracks. You can see some of the snow in these pictures, and also where the cat ate some of it. Ahaha.

He's such a cutie. He always wants to come to the balcony with me when I go take some outfit pictures. Though he wants back in pretty quickly when it get too cold for him.

Last weeks have been somewhat depressing but I try to keep myself more and more busy. I even signed myself to a community college class which is next month. It's a corset making class, I don't know how will it go since it's a new situation with new people in a new environment and it honestly sounds really scary to me.  

 I found this H&R jacket from a local flea market some time ago, and I really love it. Though it was one of those clothing items I had a hard time pairing with anything in my closet. Though now that I think of it, I can think quite a few items what would go with it too.

It's funny how some days it just feels so hard to think of a outfit, and some days you just have so many ideas. That's why I have a little notebook where I roughly sketch the ideas I thought so I can use it some other day. 

Jacket - H&R, Flea market
Skirt - Punk Rave, Second hand
Jabot - Punk Rave, Ebay
Belt - Self made
Shoes - Demonia, Second Hand
Bat Necklace - Alchemy Gothic, Second Hand
Tights - Ebay

One thing I have been doing most of this week is watching Games Done Quick! This must be the 3rd or 4th time I have been watching it. I have had it on pretty much 24/7. It's on till Sunday morning Finnish time, so if you want to check it out you can find it on twitch! It's a charity thing which I find really great.

I don't post outfits from the back too much but I just had to show you the double tail! 

I had a really great flea market trip last week! Since I had been so depressed, I thought maybe some second hand shopping would cheer me up. Even for a little while. And it did. 

And before anyone asks, no I don't have a LP player yet. I have been actively searching for one but I just haven't come across the perfect one yet. Hopefully soon~


  1. I always admire people who successfully merge oldschool and elegant goth :D It's the little details that make it not just simply elegant. Gotta love the belt.

    1. Yes the details really matter a lot, thanks! :)

  2. Spectacular outfit! :D How wonderful to find that jacket at a flea market!

  3. Korsetintekokurssi kuulostaa kyllä mielenkiintoiselta! Ja näytät taas niin upealta, ihan uskomatonta miten hienoja kirppislöytöjä onnistut aina tekemään :)

    1. Joo, olisi kyllä hienoa jos osaisi tehdä semmoisen korsetin itselle kun on aina halunnut! ^^ Ja voi kiitos!

  4. Huh, joku jaksaa oikeasti luonnostella asuideoita! :D Juuri tässä itse mietin vaatteiden ostolakkoon ryhtymistä ja sitä, että opettelen yhdistelemään nykyisiä vaatekappaleita sen sijaan, että hommaan koko ajan uutta.

    Onnistunut asuyhdistelmä, jälleen kerran! (Iso peukku)

    1. Kyllä jaksan! :'D Kun siinä kuitenkin yhdistyy kaksi rakastamaani asiaa jotka on piirtäminen ja itseilmaisu ulkonäön kautta! Se on kyllä ihan hassua kun huomaa että kuinka paljon eri yhdistelmiä sitä keksiikään jo omistamistaan vaatteista, vähän vain mielikuvistusta peliin! :)

      Ja voi kiitos! ^^

  5. After reading numerous of Finnish blogs I'm always in awe of your flea markets.Your finds are alwaays amazing I live your loop belt.

    1. Hehe we do have a lot of flea markets here and they make it really easy to bring your stuff to them! And oh yes, it really was a nice find! ^^

  6. Ihana takki! <3 Tarviin itsekin pyrstöllisen takin. Sun asukuvia on aina yhtä kivaa katsoa, kun ne on sellaista pikimustaa silmäkarkkia x) Panostat ihan hulluna kaikkiin pieniin yksityiskohtiin!

    1. Se on kyllä ihastuttava! Pyrstölliset takit kyllä aina tuovat mukavasti semmoista aristokraattista tuntua asuun~ :> Ja oi voi kiitos, ihana kuulla! ^^

  7. That notebook idea is really good! Hope you don't mind if I use it :)
    Love the jacket, but I also love the skirt. I think I need something similar in my life now.

    1. Of course not! I'm delighted! ^v^
      Yeass, it is a really cool skirt and it has really cool details in the back that you unfortunately can't see in these pictures.

  8. Your style is awesome! And I'm jealous of your flea market finds, I live in Sweden and except for the in bigger cities it's impossible to find anything second hand but the occasional book and movie.

    1. Thank you very much! ^^
      And oh really? :o I would had thought it would be even easier in Sweden to find cool stuff since I have always thought it to be so alternative friendly country.. Too bad it can't be easy everywhere.
