Saturday, 29 June 2013

Everything beautiful dies

I feel rather sad. I have been noticing that quite a few blogs that I have been following are dying out. Its not just one or two, its more like five-six. Makes me wonder.

I do understand that if you have no more desire to write, then there is really no point.. But I can't see myself quitting.

If my inspirations and the people I just can wait to update, would stop, I don't know what I would do then. I think I would feel differently about the whole blogging thing.

But for now, lets keep on rocking!

I have been having another d.i.y bug biting me lately.

And now I'm using fabric pens to color my shorts black, I love them but I hated their color. Sad thing tho  that my marker ran out of ink, and I was not even halfway. Tomorrow I will go to Tiimari and look for some new fabric markers, I do really hope they have them. I should of had just used fabric dye...

Ohh yeah, I found this "witches cauldron" from a fleamarker. It came with 8 little mugs. Cost me only 1.5e euros. It has this stand where you can put a candle or something to heat the pot. I just love it.

Also some movies. The Ring movies are the original Japanese ones. Now we have the 0, 1 and 2 parts.

Our balcony has been modified a bit. More plant friendly :)

Crappy  crap crap outfit shot. I was not really in the mood of shooting anything better. I'm still trying to build up courage to tell my boyfriend about my blog.. ( Yes I have had this for years and still have not told him ) And maybe try to get him to take some better outfit photos maybe..? I think I will tell him very soooon. Since its really hard to take any good photos on my own.

We have been playing a lot of minecraft recently. It's really addictive.

Here's my part of the village. Weird buildings and stuff.

Well, since I changed my blog to English. I think I should change the whole name of the blog to English too. If anyone has any great suggestions please do tell. I'd like it to somehow relate to my current blog name. :)


  1. Munkin muutama suosikki blogini on päätynyt hautaan. Ymmärtäähän sen, että kiinnostuksen kohteet voivat muuttua ja aina ei muuten vain tee mieli blogata.

    Itsekkään en ole esitellyt paremmalle puoliskolle omaa blogiani, olen toisin kyllä kertonut asiasta ja on se vinkunut nähdä, mutta näyttäminen on vain jäänyt =D

    1. Niin, semmoista se on.

      Hehe kiva etten ole ainoa :'D Nyt on vain ruvennut tuntumaan siltä että haluaisi kertoa muttei ikinä tulee hyvää ajankohtaa.

  2. Toi pata on ihana!! Kunnon löytö :DD

    1. On! Vaikka oli homma kuskata se kirpparilta niin on kyllä sen arvoinen! :D

  3. vau vitsi miten ihana tollanen iso ankhin risti kaulakoru! Mistä tollasii saa?

    1. Ostin joskus backstreetistä :P ne kyllä vaihtaa mallistoa niin taajaan että tuskin sieltä enään saa :/
